How a Philadelphia SEO Agency Can Get Your Brand Recognized


Having trouble making inroads in a competitive market like Philly? With thousands of businesses going head to head, vying for foot traffic, brand awareness, and positions in Google, you need a smart digital marketing campaign that is attuned to your specific eCommerce needs.

A skilled Philadelphia SEO agency will be able to help you overcome the challenges of growing in a competitive, saturated market. No matter what niche or industry you are in, a properly managed SEO campaign can help you rank higher for important keywords and generate brand awareness through increased visibility.

If you are interested in improving your brand, you need a marketing agency that knows your local area and what you are up against on a deep level.

Why eCommerce SEO Helps With Brand Awareness
There are many ways to increase brand visibility and awareness, but search engine optimization is perhaps the most effective. This may come as somewhat of a surprise, given that social media seems to be the go-to way to get your brand out there lately. And there’s no doubt that social media marketing can be quite effective in this area, especially for eCommerce.

However, there’s something about the authority that comes with prime Google positions that speaks volumes for the quality of a brand. When you see a website or company rank in the first positions in Google, you automatically know that they mean business. Organic rankings are the modern-day equivalent of a “seal of approval,” which translates into instant brand recognition.

Even if a user doesn’t specifically click on your link, just seeing it in the top positions conveys a massive amount of authority, no matter what industry you are in. There are certainly plenty of marketing gimmicks out there, but SEO stands tall as the foremost way to generate powerful brand authority online.

You Need a Qualified SEO Agency to Get Results
Not just any digital marketing agency will be able to help you get those top spots in Google however. All of your competitors are vying for those positions as well and if they were easy to achieve, everyone would be kicking each other off of the number one spot left and right.

The opposite is true: positions in SEO shift slowly, as user behavior, search intent, and Google’s algorithm changes. New brands attempting to “capture” those top spots have to prove to Google that their content is better and that their website carries more authority. This is no easy feat, which is why eCommerce SEO results rarely just fall out of the sky. You have to generate them through a carefully managed local SEO campaign that gives you a competitive edge in your specific market.

That’s where you need the help of a Philadelphia SEO agency that knows the local tri-state eCommerce marketplace and can help you get powerful results through a combination of aggressive optimizations and unique insight.

If you want to promote your brand and attract more customers to your online store, you need the help of 1Digital®. They are an eCommerce digital marketing agency that knows exactly how to manage successful SEO campaigns. Their team is comprised of marketing veterans that understand the local Philadelphia market, and know how to put together an SEO strategy that generates amazing results.

Don’t wait for your competitors to invest in SEO and claim those top spots for themselves. Build your brand by calling 1Digital®, and let their team of eCommerce SEO experts put together a campaign that will put your Philadelphia business on top. They are the #1 rated Philadelphia SEO agency for a reason: they simply know how to put online stores on the map!

Author is a freelance writer and having successful experience in writing about Internet Marketing Services. Currently he is writing about how to choose Shopify + Partner and Digital Agency.