Here’s How to Use Promotional Giveaways to Increase Brand Awareness

Heres How to Use Promotional Giveaways to Increase Brand Awareness

Did you know that 40% of consumers keep some promotional items for more than 10 years? Many companies use promotional giveaways to increase brand awareness, but are you partaking in this?

It’s an age-old method that flies straight in the face of social media. But promotional giveaways are still one of the most effective ways to increase your brand awareness.

Half of American adults receive new T-shirts as promotional giveaways. Other top methods include swag, mugs, models, and pens.

But before you rush out and buy these, consider their effectiveness. What do promotional giveaways do? Why do so many companies invest in them? And how do giveaways help businesses?

Be sure to check out this guide to learn how to use promotional giveaways for brand awareness.

Considering Your Target Audience

When considering your target audience for a promotional giveaway campaign, it is important to think about what type of product will resonate with them. For example, if you are targeting millennials, a tech-related product may be a good option.

If you are targeting working mothers, a household item or something for the kids may be a better option. It is also important to consider your brand and what type of image you are trying to portray.

A luxury brand may want to avoid giving away low-cost items, while a more budget-friendly brand may want to steer clear of giving away high-end items. Ultimately, the goal is to select a promotional item that your target audience will appreciate and that aligns with your brand.

Supplied by a Reliable Supplier You Trust to Provide a Promise

Supplied by a reliable supplier you trust to provide as promised, promotional giveaways are an excellent way to show your customers that you care about them and appreciate their business. Not only that, but they’re also a great way to get your name out there and attract new customers.

Give Promotional Giveaways at Job Fairs

Give away something that is unique and memorable. Your promotional items should be something that people will remember and appreciate for example custom matches wholesale.  

And what better place to give away promotional items than at a job fair? Job fairs are a great place to meet potential employees and get your name out to the community. 

Make it Easy for People to Enter Your Giveaway

Make it easy for people to enter your giveaway by providing a clear and concise entry form. Include all required fields and make it easy to find on your website or social media platforms.

Provide clear instructions on how to enter the giveaway. The fewer steps required to enter, the more likely people will be to participate. 

Promote Your Giveaway on Social Media and Other Online Channels

One of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness is to promote your giveaway on social media and other online channels. This will help you reach a larger audience and generate more interest in your giveaway.

Make sure to include a link to your giveaway in your posts and use attractive visuals to grab attention. Use relevant hashtags and tag relevant businesses or influencers to reach an even wider audience. 

Offer a Prize That Is Relevant to Your Brand

If you want to use the best promotional products to increase brand awareness, you need to make sure that the prize you’re offering is relevant to your brand. That way, when people see your giveaway, they’ll be more likely to think of your brand and what you offer.

For example, if you’re a clothing company, you might want to give away a gift card to your store. Or if you’re a food company, you could give away coupons for your products.

Whatever you do, make sure that your prize is something that will make people think of your brand.

Choose a Winner and Promote the Results of Your Giveaway

When you host a giveaway, you’re giving your audience a chance to win something they want. Promote the results of your giveaway to increase brand awareness and create buzz around your product or service.

Be sure to announce the winner on your social media channels and blog. You can also include a short video or photo of the winner holding their prize.

Perfect Your First Impression

By giving away branded items, you are providing potential customers with a physical reminder of your brand. This is especially important if you are attending events or meetings where there will be a lot of people in attendance.

In addition to giving potential customers a physical reminder of your brand, you are also increasing the chances that they will share your brand with others.

Measuring the Success of Your Giveaway

One key metric of success for any promotional giveaway is the number of participants. To generate more participation and engagement, consider making the giveaway simple to enter and open to as many people as possible.

For example, a social media contest can be entered by following a brand on Twitter and retweeting a specific post. To increase the reach of your contest, promote it through paid ads, social media posts, and email marketing.

Use Promotional Giveaways for Maximum Impact

There are a few key times when promotional giveaways can have maximum impact on your brand. Launching a new product? Host a giveaway to introduce it to your audience.

Looking to increase brand awareness and grow your reach? Giveaways are a great way to get your name out there and attract new customers. Or, show your appreciation for your existing customers and host a giveaway exclusively for them.

Whatever your goals, promotional giveaways can be a powerful marketing tool just be sure to use them wisely and at the right time to get the most impact.

Make Sure to Use Promotional Giveaways Effectively

By giving away freebies with your company logo or name on them, you create opportunities for people to interact with your brand in a positive way.

Ultimately, this can lead to increased brand recognition, which can result in more sales and customers. So if you’re looking for a way to boost your brand’s visibility and reputation, consider using promotional giveaways.

Be sure to check out our website for more tips on how to market your business.