6 Signs of a Good Layout: Myths and Reality


One of the first things you should do before buying a condo is read the floor plan. Why? You want to know what the interior looks like before you buy a house. Canninghill Piers official website recently published the floor plans of the units. Let’s find out if these layouts show signs of good layout for a condo apartment.

Are cardinal points, sun exposure and high ceilings really important to life? What parameters should or should not pay attention to when buying an apartment?

Correct cardinal points

The evening sun is hotter, so if you choose rooms with south, west, or southwest exposure, get ready to use the air conditioner. If the windows face east or southeast, it will not be so hot in summer. And if to the north – the room will always be dark.

When buying an apartment located in the upper third of a high-rise building, you should keep in mind the wind rose. The wind rose in different regions is different – here it is important to consider whether there are industrial enterprises and large highways on the leeward side.

High ceilings

You need to evaluate not the height as such, but the proportions of the room as a whole, that is, both the width and the height of the rooms. In a small apartment, high ceilings can be regarded as a disadvantage: corridors will turn into cracks, and toilets – into wells. The minimum height of premises in apartments is standardized and is 2.6 m for climatic region.

Isolated rooms

It is customary to make rooms isolated for processes that require privacy, such as sleeping, washing and working. Until some time, the list of such premises also included the kitchen: the architects tried to protect the inhabitants of the apartment from odours and dirt.

But a modern kitchen, with a stove, a range hood and other appliances, does not deserve isolation at all. The same applies to the hallway: you need to separate it from the living space with a door only in a country house. There it is justified by both heat engineering and hygienic considerations.

Minimum load-bearing walls

The most correct number of supporting structures inside the apartment is zero. In small apartments up to 100-120 sq. meters it is quite achievable. Even if the supporting structures inside the apartment are necessary, these should not be walls, but columns. The experience of designing elite housing shows that an apartment with an area of ​​up to 300 sq. meters it is quite possible to get by with one column, in addition to the bearing perimeter.

Corner apartment

A corner apartment has only advantages in comparison with a one-sided apartment. The largest of these are the possibility of through ventilation and a longer light front. The experience of living in panel houses of the standard series gave rise to distrust of corner apartments: they are believed to be colder. But this is not the fault of the planning decision, but of the poor quality of construction and the ineffective construction of wall panels that were used in the 70s – 90s. Modern building technologies, together with higher requirements for thermal insulation and energy efficiency of structures, eliminate this problem.

Body depth

When choosing an apartment in a new launch condo like Canninghill Piers, it is important to pay attention to the depth of the building, to assess how the light front of the apartment relates to its depth. If the apartment is sold without partitions and the planning has to be done independently, keep in mind: a deep apartment is much more difficult to plan rationally, and the loss of space in it will be greater.


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