Go Digital with Your R&R Program

Go Digital with Your R&R Program

With the advent of digital transformation, the organization’s R&R programs have needed to be revamped.

As the end-of-year celebrations are rapidly approaching, you’re probably attempting to make arrangements despite the possibility that they’ll be canceled. Alternatively, you may be seeking measures to enhance employee morale and productivity following another difficult year. Now is a good time to double-check that you’re striking the right balance between support and celebration.

It’s time to abandon the one-size-fits-all approach to end-of-year giving and celebration if you want to provide your firm a competitive advantage and support your employees and their families in more practical ways.

The following are some of the reasons why it’s time to think about digital employee rewards using employee engagement platforms:

 1. Choice:

 Because your employees are all unique, so should your reward program. Give them something they’ll really like and use, without having to buy the same vouchers every year or worry about them getting lost in the mail. Instead, give them a gift card to their favorite store, Amazon rewards for millions of products and services, or even a charitable donation.

 2. Immediacy:

The reward is in your employee’s account the moment you hit “send,” and it’s ready for them to redeem on something they want that’s meaningful to them, wherever they are. Whether your team is made up entirely of front-line employees or is currently working entirely remotely, reach out to them with rewards that will delight them whenever and wherever they are.

 3. Connection:

Rewards are an opportunity to increase employee loyalty, and you can do so more effectively if the reward experience reflects your company’s unique culture and brand. Create rewards with unique names, designs, and images that are memorable and relatable to the occasion!

 4. Time:

We all have the same amount of time, but you would’ve never met a business leader who doesn’t want more. Digitally distributing bulk rewards reduces HR administration, streamlines processes, and allows you to reach thousands of employees in just a few clicks.

 5. Automation:

You can schedule awards well in advance with digital rewards, whether it’s for your end-of-year bonus, anniversary reward, or employee birthday. With your eyes closed, you can schedule custom recognition moments specific to your company and celebrate your employees.

6. Engagement:

When employees redeem their rewards, they have a reason to log back into your system because it is hosted on a digital employee engagement platform that is connected to other aspects of their experience. This increases employee awareness of other benefits, recognition moments, company blog posts, and important employee information, all of which helps employees feel more connected to one another and to your company.


Advantage Club is a global provider of employee benefits. The platform serves to digitize all employee demands under one canopy through numerous employee engagement programs such as incentives, rewards & recognition, flexible and tax-saving modules. It now serves over 300 organizations in 70 countries and has over 10,000 brand partnerships.