Essential Camping Gear For Your Next Outdoor Adventure


This article will talk you through everything you need to pack for your next outdoor adventure 

Anyone who is a regular camper will tell you that the difference between a good weekend camping and a bad one is preparation. If you’re new to the hobby it’s hard to really understand how to prepare yourself. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. 

You can follow this list of camping essentials to make sure your next camping experience is a roaring success. 

  1. A fire-starting kit 

If the weather is kind to you it is very likely you will never have to use one of these. However, when it’s cold and you can’t find a dry log to save your life, you’ll be glad you packed one of these.

This kit should include some fire-starting bricks, at least one lighter, dry kindling, and maybe even a few lumps of coal. With this kit, you’ll be able to cook whatever the weather. 

  1. A tactical backpack 

So many people underestimate the difference a tactical backpack can make in your life. With a near-infinite amount of pockets and storage space, they will allow you to pack your whole trip in one easy to carry bag. 

On top of that, many tactical backpacks have hydration pouches that can be used to store many types of hydration packs. 

What brand do we recommend?  You should try a Red Rock outdoor pack, they won’t let you down. 

  1. Thermal Sleeping Bag 

Before you take your first camping trip it’s hard to guess how cold a tent can get at night. Even in the height of summer. There are very few investments you will need to make when you begin camping. A good thermal sleeping bag is one of the exceptions. 

Splashing out $50+ on a sleeping bag may seem extortionate, but when the temperature drops below zero and you don’t have to worry about frostbite… Well, let’s just say you’ll be very grateful. 

  1. First Aid Kit 

Life would be a lot easier if we all carried First Aid Kits with us everywhere we went. On a camping trip, these can save lives. Even if you’re camping within walking distance of a hospital, a well-stocked First Aid Kit can be the difference between a disaster and something you one day laugh about. 

Not sure what to back, check out this helpful list from the British National Health Service. 

  1. A Good Cast Iron Pan

Nobody wants to be dragging around a cornucopia of pots and pans on a camping holiday. What you really need is one pan that can do everything. Does such a thing exist? 

Yes! Pick yourself up a deep dished cast iron pan and you’re sorted. These pans are easy to clean and they can cook on any type of heat source.  

  1. A High-Quality Tent 

We’ve covered investing in a good sleeping back, the other thing we’d recommend investing in is a high-quality tent. You will spend at least a third of your camping trip in this tent. You want to make sure that it does the job. 

A camping appropriate tent should be waterproof, have glow in the dark guy ropes, wave a porch (this will prevent a lot of flooding), and have ventilation shafts. 

  1. SPF 

We should all be wearing SPF every day of the year, no matter the weather. However, on a camping trip, SPF is essential. 

Seriously, nobody wants sunburn on any part of their body when they have nowhere to shower and have to wrap up warm at night. We recommend at least factor 50 for your face, and factor 30 for your body. Don’t forget to reapply throughout the day. 

  1. Water canister (and water purification tablets) 

Dehydration is one of the leading causes of camping trips being cut short. How do you prevent this? Bring a good supply of fresh water with you and have a hydration pack on your whilst you’re out hiking, exploring, or swimming. 

If you’ve been smart you could even store your hydration pack in your tactical backpack. We would also recommend bringing some water purification tablets with you. In an emergency, your most crucial resource will be drinkable water. 

  1. A local Map 

Most camping spots have bad mobile signal. It’s most likely they will have no signal. So, you’ll have to go a bit old school and bring a physical map with you. 

The most important thing to do is to make sure the map is up to date. A lot can change in an area, even in five years. So, say no to that map from the ’70s your grandma is trying to lend you. 

  1. A Bright Torch 

Finally, you will need a bright torch and spare batteries. These are great in emergencies. But they can also prevent embarrassing incidents during night-time toilet breaks. 

We would recommend picking yourself up an orienteering torch rather than a household one. They will give you much better light quality and battery life.