Email Marketing: Do You Want To Triple Your Return On Investment?


One of the biggest mistakes marketers make today is to think that email marketing is dead. Today, many marketers are abandoning email marketing schemes in favor of social media. When you think about it now, social media seems more sexy than email. But are social media posts really as effective as email? Before answering this question, let’s establish a known fact. On Facebook, it’s easier to send friend requests than to collect emails on the Internet. But believe me, email marketing is three times more expensive than social media marketing. So what exactly is email marketing?

Email marketing is a customer goal through email. All emails sent to potential customers can be considered email marketing. Email marketing involves sending promotional emails or advertisements to subscribers. Via your email address. Many organizations today use email marketing. Today, more bloggers are using email marketing than ever before. For example, have you ever browsed a website and saw a field asking for a name and email address for a free ebook or update? This is an email marketing interface.

Most bloggers use email marketing to improve their customer experience. You can also connect with repeaters and potential customers using targeted mailing lists. All subscribers will be in better condition and will be easily notified by email. Emails are easier to read than Facebook posts. Facebook posts fill up with a stream of content within minutes of posting.

Do You Really Need Email Marketing?

If you want to improve the customer and reader experience, you need email marketing. Forget the appeal of social media marketing. We will talk about efficiency here. We are talking about a greater commitment. More access. High click rate etc. As many veteran marketers say, “money is on the list.” Some even say, “Your net worth depends on your network.” The next line describes the benefits of email marketing. These descriptions use statistics. The site that created these statistics is listed at the end of the article. Now let’s take a look at the benefits of using email marketing.

Possible range:

Did you know that in 2013, about 3.2 billion email accounts were created worldwide? 95% of online consumers use email addresses. Interesting fact: 91% of these consumers check their email at least once a day. Today, we look at phones more than computers. As a result, you will be more likely to receive notifications when you receive an email. Our phone puts a notification in front of us.

Checking emails today is easier than checking messages on Facebook and Twitter. This is because when we publish content, millions of other people also publish it. As a result, finding a particular post that you liked three weeks ago can be the most difficult task.

Actual range:

Before we dive into this part in more detail, let’s get some interesting numbers. In early 2013, a survey using email as a marketing channel revealed some surprising facts. Most notably, 18% of emails sent during a campaign never reach their destination. 4% of emails sent go to the spam folder. This means that 22% of the emails sent do not reach the intended recipients.

On the other hand, 78% of emails sent during an email campaign actually reach their destination. Think of it this way. If you send 1000 emails, 780 emails will be sent to the recipient. In addition, 91% of recipients check their email daily. This means that about 709 recipients will see your letter. This is very effective as less than 30% of the emails sent will be lost.

Now let’s compare these numbers with those for Facebook campaigns that work in the same way. This is 74%