CBD Oil For The First Time As A 45-Year-Old Mum In Australia


Hey there! My name is Alice and I’m here to share my CBD oil experience with you. My children urged me not to write about this, but I think it’s important for other mums or just anyone who reads my testimony to know why I started taking CBD Oil Australia and how it changed my life.

At the age of 35, I suffered from chronic pain disease located in my upper back. I was doing some work in my garden when I fell off a ladder and landed on my shoulder. It was not my prettiest moment and for many years ahead, I was partially disabled. I’ve spent many years and dollars in physical therapy hoping that I can one day be the mother I once was, but I simply wasn’t getting the results fast enough. 

Not being able to be the mother figure I wanted to be for my kids started to affect me mentally too. I can no longer count how many sleepless nights I had over the years. I had lost all my self-confidence and I couldn’t really do anything about it without hurting myself even more. That was until I came across an inspiring video on youtube of a man with parkinons’ who used medical marijuana to treat his symptoms and the results were astounding! I began to think if medical marijuana could help with my chronic pain and worsening depression. I started reading more and more about medical marijuana and concluded that I somehow needed to get my hands on CBD. As new reports and testimonials came out over the years, it just became clearer that CBD was not just something I thought I needed, but something I must try. 

In 2021, news broke that CBD has become legal in Australia and that’s when I really started to dig deep for information on how I can finally get this medication. It was not easy to find reliable and truthful information for such a new substance making its way into Australia. But once I found out about CBD Oil Australia’s website, it really turned me in the right direction. CBD Oil Australia has in a sense shone the light by sharing accurate information about CBD in Australia and even products I can start trying immediately! 

Now, I can confidently say that CBD really is the miracle medication that my back and mind needed. The results were almost instantaneous! After a week of taking CBD Oil twice a day, my back pain has subsided to a point where I can barely notice it. At this point I’ve already thrown away my pain killers prescribed to me. I’ve signed up to my local gym and try to workout three times a week, which has also helped me rebuild my confidence. Most importantly, taking CBD has had zero side-effects on me so far. My pain killer drugs kept me feeling drained and mentally dry for so long, but CBD doesn’t leave my feeling this way at all.

Although I have a prescription for CBD from my doctor, I also like to just buy my CBD online. It saves me the hassle of going all the way to the pharmacy and I can manage my consumption levels on my own. Although many brands I’ve tried so far have worked perfectly for me, I found Lullaby Luxury to be the best. I typically order a bottle of their full-spectrum CBD every few months. They’re also based in Australia and offer the fastest delivery of all other brands I’ve tried.

For all those suffering like I was for many years, I highly recommend giving CBD a try. It’s been an absolute life changer and it would only make me happier to see you experience the benefits.