Boost your Event: 6 Outstanding Techniques to Make It Memorable


A plethora of companies have realized the importance of organizing an unforgettable event. Nowadays, when the corporate world thrives by doing the work remotely or perhaps by outsourcing, the need to gather employees and invent various clients has significantly risen. However, the key is to stand out from the rest and plan out a dynamic and flabbergasting event that would echo the office corridors for months. The challenge, though, lies in neat organization and tailoring the procedures neatly to fit your high standards. Think outside of the box, don’t follow plain scripts, and opt to organize an outstanding symposium that will scream success long after everything has finished. Here are some nifty ideas on how to elevate your corporate event and make it stand out.

1.  Select a unique venue

You could easily choose a community ballroom for the venue, but that may not deliver the narrative you ought to present. The venue is one of the most crucial elements when organizing an event, so top up your search. Go for something utterly distinctive and uncommon. Consider lavishing rooftop gardens overlooking Sydney’s harbor, putting up a large marquee tent at a botanical garden, choosing storied architectural masterpiece buildings, or transforming a historical museum into an amazing venue. A genuine venue needs to captivate attendees and serve as a gossip tool. Selecting a venue that’s going to captivate everyone’s senses guarantees success.

2.  Phones – NO, pictures – YES

As technology advances, it’s perfectly normal for people to take photos with their smartphones and broadcast something “live”, especially if you are going “live” from Sydney’s top-notch rooftop restaurant. Nevertheless, such videos or photos fade, quickly get forgotten, and don’t leave a trace as effectively as if you were to have a tangible photo in your hand . If you want to make your event stand out, you should choose a professional photo booth hire in Sydney, and have guests take amazing and fun photos all night long. The best thing about photo booth hire is that people would gather around, interact with one another, be entertained by using various fun prompts, and later take home a photo that would serve as fantastic memorabilia.

3.  Top up the entertainment

Besides hiring a fun photo booth, you need to consider other entertainment features to make your event party sensational. The aim is to transform passive spectators into active doers, and the best way to make such a thing happen is to try something utterly different. Utilize virtual and augmented reality to attract attendees and offer them an exciting getaway to unparalleled adventures within your corporate event. Don’t neglect the basic amenities such as hiring a good DJ or a live band to enliven the atmosphere.

4.  Opt for interactive performances

Alongside having alluring entertainment features at your event that would get your attendees up on their feet, you might want to significantly improve the overall mood of the event and try something innovative. Turn tables around and let the participants be part of the event. Fuse technology with artistry and invite attendees to be a vast part of the spectators. Call professional dancers and have them show moves to attendees where they would need to synchronize the movements. Use captivating light shows to have a profound atmosphere. Karaoke is another way to boost up the atmosphere and elevate the entire attendees, especially if they are keen on singing. Adding some awe-inspiring live performances by jugglers or acrobats would undoubtedly elevate your event to a whole new level.

5.  Elevate the menu and drinks

Food and drinks are an unforgettable element in any event, and it’s your task to make the menu also intriguing if you strive to have an unforgettable event. Personalize some of the drinks and dishes, and hire an expert barista to compose specialized cocktails with your company’s signature name. Do the same with the food, and opt to have something extravagant rather than plain BBQ. Offer food from different sides of the world. Organize genuine food stations on different sides of the venue, have Japanese, Mexican, and Italian stations, and let your get marveled and enliven their senses.

6.  Utilize social media power

Social media aspect is nowadays extremely vital. No matter what your goal is, if you want your event to stand out, you need to make a buzz around it on all social media platforms. There’s a general notion that if the event hasn’t been posted anywhere on social media, it’s like it never happened. Reap the benefits of smart technology and record and go live with your event, utilize social media before, during, and after to get people intrigued. Don’t forget to include an alluring hashtag and instruct your attendees on their invitations to post and tag themselves and use the hashtag to spread the word.

There you have it – some of the most outstanding and lucrative techniques to make your event memorable. Let your event be the topic of discussion long after it has passed.