Best Snacks for Night Shift Workers


Long shifts can be physically and mentally exhausting, primarily if you work night shifts. The medical profession, however, is quite accustomed to 12-hour rotations and night shifts, as long hours are accepted as part of the job. Workers need to maintain energy throughout their shift because it is fast-paced, active, and requires a lot of focus and communication. 

When you’re 6 hours into your shift, sleep is trying to take you under despite your 3rd cup of coffee, so you do everything you can to stay awake. There’s no need to worry; we’ve got a plan that’ll certainly help you! Well, we are well aware of why night shifts are called graveyard shifts. After all, how can one stay active late at night, right? But fret not; we’ve got your back as we present to you a list of incredible foods that will make you survive your 12-hr long night shift.

Best Foods to Survive Your Graveyard Shift Successfully  

The sugar hit you get from the vending machine is unfortunately short-lived. To help you prepare for your next night shift, we have compiled a list of healthy snacks and small meal ideas. Besides keeping you full, they will help you resist the urge to surrender to your palette’s evil craving for sweets. 

So, if you’re ready to change your eating habits, let’s take a look at them:  

Pudding with Chia Seeds

Let me fill you in if you’re new to the chia seed craze. There are a lot of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fats in chia seeds.

After a period of time, these tiny seeds fill with water, creating a thick consistency that makes you feel full for longer.

The benefits of Chia seeds include promoting healthy skin, reducing signs of aging, and improving heart and digestive health. They are as beneficial as the best turmeric curcumin supplement, so if you eat them during your shift, you won’t only stay active but healthy as well.

Potluck or Dip Platter

This is by far our favorite healthy snack as night shift workers. If you can’t enjoy a picnic and dip platter in the park because you are working, no worries!

Invite your work friends to each to contribute something healthy to the platter or simply alternate who supplies the goodies each night. This is an excellent way to be social on nights while enjoying some really tasty food. Some ideas are:

  • Mini Lebanese cucumbers, peppers, celery, carrots, raw cauliflower, and pre-cut and washed vegetable sticks.
  • Having a punnet of berries or a bunch of grapes will keep you energized and give you a boost of natural sugars. Even if we are not working the night shift, we should aim for five vegetables and two fruits daily.
  • Add some apple slices or pears or grapes.
  • There is nothing better than hummus dip with harissa pasta on top or mixed in!
  • Cottage cheese or string cheese

Granola High in Fiber

Eat granola by itself or in the form of pre-packaged bars. Don’t forget to check the packaging for sugar and fat content. Despite trying to eat healthily, companies can be sneaky!

Make sure there are less than 15 grams of sugar per 100 grams and aim for as little as three grams of saturated fat per 100 grams. Dried fruit might have more sugar, so be aware of this. Add berries and Greek yogurt (we prefer non-fat yogurt) to your granola, or make your own. Moreover, you can also alleviate fatigue with yogurt.

Peanut Butter and Celery

It’s a winning combination! A goldmine of nutrients, celery is not only great for soups but also a great addition to our diets.

  • Inflammatory reduction
  • Boosts antioxidant activity
  • Aids digestion 

While peanut butter contains an amazing amount of protein and essential vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and zinc, the two go together like a house on fire.

In light of the high calorie and fat content of peanut butter, we suggest bringing in only a small container to work rather than the entire jar. 

Mixture of Fruits and Nuts

On the night shift, we often tell ourselves we are “starving” when in fact, we are probably not hungry. In addition to providing essential nutrients, like fiber and potassium, dried fruits and nuts also help lower numerous health issues such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. The best part is that they are delicious and so easy to transport. Likewise, you can also carry a curcumin supplement with you for an added energy boost.

Final Words

These healthy snacks for night shift workers make it easy to survive the night shift and stay fit. We hope that you’ll love these suggestions and feel full, active, and full of energy after trying them!