Art Tools for Beginners: The Right Tools in 2023



Embarking on a journey into the world of art can be both exhilarating and daunting for beginners. The vast array of art tools available can overwhelm those just starting out, making it crucial to understand which tools are essential. Having the right tools is not about having the most expensive or the most professional; it’s about having what you need to express your creativity effectively and learn the craft. Proper art tools can make the learning process more enjoyable, help in honing skills, and ensure that beginners can produce the best quality work their current skills allow.

The benefits of using proper art tools are manifold. They can provide the correct texture, help achieve the desired level of precision, and ensure that the final artwork is as envisioned. Moreover, using the right tools from the start can instill good artistic practices and prevent the frustration that often comes with using subpar materials. This blog post will guide beginners through the essential art tools needed to start their artistic journey on the right foot.

1. Drawing Tools

When it comes to drawing, the pencil is mightier than the sword. Pencils come in a variety of grades, each suited to different styles and techniques. ‘H’ pencils are harder and yield lighter lines, ideal for initial sketches and fine details, while ‘B’ pencils are softer, darker, and better suited for shading and dynamic lines. A range of pencils from 2H to 6B should suffice for beginners to experiment with different textures and styles.

The unsung heroes of the drawing process are erasers and sharpeners. A good eraser is crucial for correcting mistakes and refining drawings. There are several types, including rubber erasers for heavy pencil marks, and kneaded erasers which can be shaped to lift off small areas of color or to lightly dab at the paper. Sharpeners are equally important to maintain the pencil’s point for precise lines. Additionally, tools like rulers and compasses are indispensable for creating straight lines and perfect circles, ensuring accuracy in your work.

2. Painting Tools

Diving into painting, one encounters a spectrum of paint types, each with its unique properties. Watercolors are known for their translucency and flow, making them ideal for gentle gradients and washes. Acrylics, on the other hand, are versatile and dry quickly, suitable for layering and textured work. Oil paints are valued for their richness and longer drying times, allowing for extended workability.

The application of paint is as important as the paint itself, and this is where brushes and palette knives come into play. Brushes come in various shapes and sizes, from fine-tipped for detailed work to broad brushes for washes. Palette knives can be used for mixing paints or applying them to create textured effects. Other painting tools that beginners should consider include palettes, for mixing colors, and easels, to hold canvases upright and at a good working angle.

3. Miscellaneous Tools

Beyond the basics, there are several other tools that can enhance the art-making experience. Sketchbooks and canvases are the foundations on which artists lay down their ideas. Sketchbooks should be chosen based on the medium – heavier paper for paints and markers (check out those markers guides or reviews for more information), and lighter paper for pencils and charcoal. Canvases come primed or unprimed and in various textures, each affecting the final look of the painting.

Good lighting is essential for artists to see their work clearly and for color accuracy. Natural light is best, but when that’s not available, a good daylight simulation bulb can make a big difference. Proper storage for art supplies not only keeps them organized but also extends their life. Lastly, tools like blending stumps for smooth shading in pencil drawings and kneaded erasers for creating highlights are invaluable for adding the finishing touches to your work.


For beginners, starting with the right art tools is a step toward mastering the craft of art. It’s not just about the ease of use, but also about the joy and satisfaction that comes from creating tools that work well. Investing in quality art supplies can make a significant difference in the development of an artist’s skill and the quality of their artwork.

As you continue on your artistic journey, remember that the best tools are the ones that work for you. Explore, experiment, and find what suits your style and needs. For further research on art tools for beginners, art supply stores and online resources can provide valuable information to help you make informed choices. Let your creativity flow, and let the right tools bring your artistic vision to life.