Airbnb hosting hacks: 3 overlooked perks and amenities to offer guests


Running a successful Airbnb rental business involves more than just providing a comfy bed and a clean space. To earn glowing reviews and build a strong reputation as a host, you need to go the extra mile in providing a memorable and hassle-free experience for your guests.

But while essentials like clean linens and toiletries are a given, there are a few overlooked items that can make a significant difference to their experience.

In this article, we’ll explore three easily overlooked perks and amenities to stock your Airbnb with.

  1. Cooking basics

Many Airbnb guests choose to stay in rentals to experience a “home away from home”, and want the flexibility to cook their own meals. While some Airbnb hosts provide the essential kitchen appliances and utensils, it’s common to overlook some of the homely food staples that can make a guest’s stay more convenient.

So, consider stocking your kitchen with items like salt, pepper, cooking oil, sugar, and spices. This will save your guests from having to rush to the store for just a pinch of salt or a tiny bit of paprika. They’ll appreciate you for it, and hopefully leave a glowing review. For a full list of kitchen essentials, Airbnb management experts at Frank Porter have got you covered. The company’s list goes beyond the basics, making sure your place can cater to even the fussiest of guests.

  1. Phone chargers

In our ever-connected digital world, smartphones have transcended their humble beginnings as mere communication devices. They now play the roles of navigators, entertainment hubs, and indispensable lifelines to you and I. It’s surprising, then, that one of the most frequently forgotten items by travellers is the trusty phone charger.

Picture this: your guests arrive, excited about their stay, only to realise they’ve left their charger at home. Cue the frantic search for an available outlet or powerpack. This is where you, the thoughtful host, come to the rescue.

Consider creating a dedicated charging station or drawer in a communal area of your Airbnb, and be sure to stock it with a selection of international chargers and extension leads to cater to various devices. It’s a small gesture that can make a big impact on your guests’ experience.

  1. Local recommendations

Your guests are likely visiting your area to explore and experience the local culture. You might have handed them a manual or simple guidebook, but here’s the scoop: adding a dash of your personal flair can really make their stay extraordinary.

We recommend creating a curated list of local hidden gems, including restaurants, coffee shops, parks, and attractions. Don’t hold back on sharing those secret tips, like when’s the best time to go to these places and what’s the easiest way to get them.

This information can help your guests make the most of their visit and feel like they’re getting an authentic local experience. It also shows that you care about their stay and want to help them enjoy the area to the fullest.
