Michigan gynecologic oncologist and surgeon retires after a remarkable career of 40 years.

“I would recommend Dr. Malviya to anyone looking for an expert surgeon whose knowledge, compassion, and dedication in the field of gynecological oncology are unparalleled.”A patient of Dr. Malviya

It is difficult to summarize the lifetime medical practice of a physician whom thousands of patients entrusted to diagnose and treat their complex diseases. His patients express appreciation for his examination thoroughness, his patience in answering questions and his willingness to make himself available at all hours of the day or night.

One of Dr. Vinay Malviya’s cancer patients relates in succinct terms:

“I was referred to Dr. Malviya back in June of 2004, after my OB/GYN reported that my CA125 blood test came back extremely high. I was experiencing severe abdominal pain. Dr. Malviya performed my surgery and found that I had stage 1C ovarian cancer. I have been seeing Dr. Malviya since: 17 years! He has always shown me compassion, attentiveness and is very thorough; taking as much time as you need to understand your situation and ask anything that is on your mind. This can cause delays in time, but it is well worth it when your turn comes! He fights insurance companies to ensure you get the best for your situation—I was able to get CAT Scans for the past 13 years to ensure no new growths were present. A proactive approach which I deem very important. He is a very caring doctor who knows his profession. I am alive because of him.”

Many patients were cared for by Dr. Vinay Malviya for decades.

“I have been a patient of Dr. Malviya for over 30 years and I feel it is important to describe my experience.

I first went to see him after my sister died of ovarian cancer. I wanted to have the advice of a Gynecological Oncologist regarding my chances of getting ovarian cancer. This was before the days of testing for the BRCA 1 & 2 gene. My history was that I had one sister die of ovarian cancer; one sister die of pancreatic cancer and a grandmother whose death certificate read ‘large abdominal tumor’.”

After seeing Dr. Vinay Malviya and being cared for by him, this patient continued:

“Dr. Malviya’s care and understanding were key to my well-being for those years and very reassuring. He was an excellent doctor and often times I would overhear him taking a call from another gynecologist asking for advice from Dr. Malviya or could he please see their patient.  Dr. Malviya, in my opinion, was a brilliant oncologist whom other doctors looked to for advice.  In addition to that he was a kind and decent man. He had so many patients but would fit so many in that needed to see him ASAP. He worked from morning through the night sometimes.  He knew how deadly ovarian cancer was and he did everything he could to try to save lives.”

Another patient stresses the time that Dr. Vinay Malviya gave to each patient and wishes him well on his recent retirement:

“At my numerous appointments with him that followed, he always allowed me as much time with him as I needed and answered every question that I had, which were many. When leaving the appointments, I always felt confident that Dr. Malviya was doing the absolute best for me. I know that he did because here I am 13 years later.

“I was so sad to hear of his retirement. He deserves happiness and rest in his next journey of life! There will never be another doctor as proficient and conscientious as Dr. Malviya. I am forever grateful to him for saving my life! There will always be a special place in my heart for him. I miss him a lot and wish him nothing but happiness and joy with his family!”

To learn more about Dr. Vinay Malviya and read the testimonials of many other of his patients, please visit his websites: www.drmalviya.com and www.vinaymalviya.com.