Key Questions to Ask When Choosing R&D Tax Credit Specialists

Tax Credit Specialists

For businesses creating new goods and improving manufacturing procedures, R&D tax credits are amongst the most valuable tax benefits today. They can free up valuable capital for expanding growth for qualified start-ups and more experienced privately held businesses. R&D tax benefits can significantly aid in multiyear tax planning and savings for larger businesses. However, they continue to rank among the least-used credits for both CEOs/CFOs of businesses and CPA firms.

Questions to Ask When Selecting R&D Tax Specialists.

Your business might need an R&D tax credit expert for various reasons such as to calculate R&D Tax credits and more. So let’s see what you should keep in mind before choosing one. 

1. What is the Nature of Your Clientele? 

This one is easy. Do the R&D Tax Credit Specialists have experience working in your or your client’s industry? Based on whether your customer is in the aviation business, a bioscience company, or a banking industry building software for its clients’ internet banking requirements, there are multiple ways to discover, collect, and record an R&D tax credit. If the response is “no,” carry on.

2. How Well Versus Federal And Multi-State R&D Tax Incentives Do You Know? 

The subject matter specialist must be versed not only in the qualitative and quantitative R&D tax credit scheme but additionally in multi-state tax laws, such as state laws, state, and public authority, and state court judgments. Any expert you work with needs to be knowledgeable about the R&D tax credit prospects available in your state. Furthermore, would it not be crucial to concentrate on areas with tax benefits relevant to a firm’s external environment if it were contemplating local or nationwide growth? Selecting the best R&D tax credit expert can benefit your current tax situation as well as your prospective business preparation. Think about how employing a professional with international experience will meet both current and future needs.

3. How Much Knowledge Do You Have Regarding R&D Tax Credits? 

The program for R&D Tax Credits is not brand-new. It was originally included as a transitory clause in the Internal Revenue Code of the United States by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. The initiative has been offered since then and was declared official in 2016 except for the single year when it wasn’t extended. This is an extremely intricate and difficult area of tax law. To succeed in today’s federal and multi-state audit environment, one must spend many years knowing sectors, state laws, and federal rules, as well as how they all alter and adapt. 

4. What is Your Sustainability Audit Record? 

Here is when the road strikes the rubber. What use is it to file for and receive tax credits if you have to give them up in the event of an audit and subsequent interest and penalty assessments? R&D claims frequently lead to audits, so having a strong track record of claiming and maintaining credits is crucial. Inquire the R&D tax credit companies about specific instances where the consultant was able to maintain credits despite being audited. Additionally, find out how he or she contributed to the process.


Selecting an R&D tax credit company for your business is a very crucial step. Do not hurry and make sure you’re asking the right questions.