Best places in Tennessee to raise a family

Aerial view of Chattanooga, TN, United States

Have you thought about moving with your family? Finding a new home is never easy, especially if you have children. But don’t worry. You are not the only one. A lot of people are going through this and there is always a place for everyone. Tennessee is an old state that has a rich history and offers everyone something that makes staying here magical. There are plenty of places in Tennessee to raise a family so if you are looking for one you are in the right place. We will name a few cities that are best for families and give you some moving tips that might prove to be useful.

Top places in Tennessee to raise a family

No matter if you are relocating with your family or moving your business, Tennessee is a great state that you will love for sure. This country of music, dance, and old southern culture will make you fall in love with it forever. When it comes to places for family life, you should always be as careful as possible. Smaller places are always a better choice for a peaceful life with children. But there are also a lot of other factors that must be taken into consideration, such as the crime rate or the quality of the education system.

Aerial view of Chattanooga, TN, United States
There are plenty of places in Tennessee to raise a family


The first thing that jumps out when it comes to this city is the fact that it is one of the safest cities in the world. This is the most important thing for people who want to have a peaceful family life. Oakland has beautiful parks and plenty of green spaces that make playing with kids heaven on earth. Also, one of the advantages of this city is that it is very close to Memphis. So if you ever need it, you can quickly reach the big city and yet you are far enough away from all the negative things that the big city brings. If you decide to hire nearby pros to assist you with your relocation to this town you will not make a mistake.


This town is located near Nashville and has become a very attractive place to live for many people. It has about 40,000 inhabitants and that makes it a very peaceful place to live and raise children.  When you look into the distance you will see beautiful hills covered with forests that surround this place. Proximity to Nashville gives you quick access to music and nightlife, while a nearby airport connects you to the rest of the country. Parents are particularly pleased that this school district is one of the best in the country.

A waterfall in Pikeville, TN, United States
The towns of Tennessee are amongst the most beautiful ones

#Spring Hill

If there is a town that will make you want to visit Tennessee then it’s this one. Located only 40 miles from the capital, this small town once used to be farmland. Now it is a beautiful well-developed place that guarantees a cozy and carefree life for families who decide to move here. Apart from the relative proximity to the capital, what attracts people is the fact that this town has excellent schools and the crime rate is very low. Buying a house and moving to this place is certainly not a bad choice, since real estate prices will only increase.

#Mount Juliet

In search of places in Tennessee to raise a family, you will inevitably come across this beautiful place. It’s located east of Nashville and families all around the country are moving here and that is not without a reason.  A low crime rate, excellent schools, and a handful of activities you can do on the lake make this place irresistible. It takes about 25 minutes from here to Nashville, which offers you and your children the proximity of a big city with all the conveniences of a small town. Due to it being surrounded by lakes, locals here often enjoy activities such as boating, fishing, swimming, etc. Contact professionals like Spyder Moving to help you with your relocation and hurry up since a lot of people are interested in this place.

Packing tips that will be helpful

Moving doesn’t have to be difficult at all when you think about it. The main thing is to stay relaxed and focused. We will help you by giving you a few tips. There are some things that can make every relocation a lot easier like the use of self-storage while moving, packing properly, booking in advance, etc.

A family of three is packing for moving to one of the best places in Tennessee to raise a family
Relocation can be a fun activity

Let’s go through a few tips that can make the difference:

  • Do a purge; Moving is a real opportunity to get rid of unnecessary things in your house. Take one large box and go through each room. Put everything you think you won’t need in a box. Later, decide whether you will sell something on the Internet or throw everything in the trash.
  • Pack properly; No need to waste money on new boxes. Find a furniture store near you and ask them if they have boxes they don’t need. They will surely give them to you. Also, when packing, make sure you don’t leave any empty spaces. That way, you will prevent something from breaking or getting wrinkled.
  • Book in advance; One of the best ways to make moving easier is to book in advance. In this way, you will know exactly when to start preparations and you will be much more flexible. Also, if you want to save money, move in the off-season. The given prices are much lower.

Moving can be a lot of fun. Try to make a list of all the problems that might pop up and try to solve them one by one. It is not that difficult, you will see. Also, invite some friends to help you. That will make everything more fun.


Moving doesn’t have to be demanding or stressful at all. Everything is in good organization and planning ahead. Don’t leave anything to chance, that’s the only way everything will go as it should. If you have decided to move to Tennessee, you have not made a mistake. When it comes to places in Tennessee to raise a family you won’t believe how many there are out there. This state is definitely something that can’t be avoided. And don’t forget, invite your friends to help you with the move. That way everything will be much more fun.