How Often Should You Change Your HVAC Filter?

How Often Should You Change Your HVAC Filter?

You need to be conscious of many home maintenance tips as a new homeowner. Some of these tips you will learn as time goes by. One of them is how often you should change your HVAC filter.

If you aren’t sure about this or would like more clarification, keep reading the article below. 

Why Does an Air Filter Need Replacing?

There are two main reasons why you need to replace your AC filter.

First, your air filter traps dust and airborne particles. Over time, it becomes clogged up with these items. By replacing an AC filter, you ensure that your AC doesn’t recirculate these airborne particles into the air leading to less-than-fresh air in your home.

Second, your HVAC unit will function more efficiently if you replace your filter regularly. Your HVAC unit won’t have to work harder than usual to circulate air throughout your home. This way, you are helping boost the longevity of your unit. 

Follow the Signs

Your HVAC unit will give you clear signs when it’s time to replace the air conditioner filter. If dust accumulates in your home quicker than normal, or the air in your home smells musty after you turn the HVAC unit on, then it’s a sign that you need to replace the AC filter. 

It’s easy enough to take a peek at your furnace filter. If it looks gray and covered in lint and dust, it’s time to replace it. 

How Often to Replace Your HVAC Filter

Every furnace unit is different. That’s because every homeowner uses their furnace differently. Some will run their furnace for longer or will use it more often than others. 

Also, if you have pets in the home, then their dander and fur will cause your furnace filter to clog up faster. 

On average, an air filter should get replaced every 90 days. If that’s hard to remember, then replace it every time the season changes. 

You could also follow the guidelines laid out by the furnace manufacturer. Check how often they recommend you change the filter.

There’s no need to follow these dictates exactly, though. If you feel like your home needs more frequent air filter replacement, then go for it.

Also, changing the filter is quite easy. Pull out the air filter from the slot (or loosen the screws first, if there are any).

Make sure you have a trash bag ready to put the air filter into, as it will be heavy with dust and quite dirty. Also, ensure you have replacement filters ready to pop into your HVAC unit. Purchase them at for big savings.

Your HVAC Unit Is a Valuable Part of Your Home

The HVAC filter is essential to the optimal functioning of your HVAC unit. So make sure you follow the guidelines above and replace your furnace filter regularly. 

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