Top 5 ways to make your car cleaning last longer

car cleaning

What is car cleaning

Car cleaning is the process of removing dirt, dust, and other debris from the surface of your car. It can be done by hand or with a machine. There are a variety of car cleaning products on the market, but not all of them are created equal. In this article you will find significant information and best car detailing Gold Coast services for your next car cleaning.

There are a few things you can do to make your car cleaning

1. Use a quality car shampoo – This may seem like an obvious one, but using a cheap car shampoo can actually shorten the life of your car clean. Cheap shampoos often strip away vital oils from your paintwork, leaving it vulnerable to dirt and grime. Instead, invest in a quality car shampoo that will be gentle on your paintwork and help to protect it.

2. Use a microfiber cloth – Another simple tip that can make a big difference is to use a microfiber cloth when washing your car. Microfiber is incredibly absorbent, meaning that it will pick up more dirt and grime than a regular cloth. This will help to prevent scratches and swirl marks, keeping your paintwork looking cleaner for longer.

3. Avoid washing in direct sunlight – Washing your car in direct sunlight may seem like a good idea, but it can actually cause your soap to dry too quickly. This can leave streaks and water spots on your paintwork, making it more difficult to clean next time. Instead, wash your car in the shade or on a cloudy day.

4. Use a two-bucket method – When washing your car, it’s important to use the two-bucket method. This means using one bucket of clean water for rinsing and another bucket of soapy water for washing. This will prevent dirt and grime from being re-deposited onto your paintwork, keeping it cleaner for longer.

5. Wax your car – Waxing your car is a great way to protect it from the elements and make it easier to clean. A good quality wax will form a barrier over your paintwork, making it harder for dirt and grime to stick. This means that you won’t have to wash your car as often, and it will stay looking cleaner for longer.

following these simple tips will help to make your car cleaning last longer, saving you time and money in the long run!

Different between used car and new car cleaning

The main difference between used car and new car cleaning is the type of products that are used. For a new car, you want to use products that are designed specifically for sensitive surfaces like paintwork. For a used car, you can afford to be a bit more heavy-handed as the surfaces are less likely to be damaged.

Apart of that the process is largely the same. You want to start by giving the car a good wash with a quality car shampoo. Once that’s done, you can move on to waxing and polishing. Again, there are different products available for new and used cars. For a new car, you want to use a quality wax that will protect the paintwork. For a used car, you can get away with using a cheaper polish.

The key to making your car cleaning last longer is to be diligent about it. This means washing it regularly and using the proper products for your specific type of car. By following these simple tips, you can keep your car looking clean and shiny for years to come!

You can browse car detailing Gold Coast services for affordable prices. It is both for new and used cars.


Car cleaning is important in order to keep your car looking its best. There are a few things you can do to make your car cleaning last longer, such as using a quality shampoo, using a microfiber cloth, and avoiding washing in direct sunlight. Additionally, you can use the two-bucket method and wax your car to help protect it from the elements. By following these steps, you can keep your car looking clean and tidy for years to come!