7 Surprising Uses for Coconut Oil


Coconut oil is a versatile product that has become increasingly popular over the years as people have learned about its many uses, ranging from cooking to cleaning. Having one product that does many jobs is easier and cheaper than purchasing several items, each dedicated to a specific purpose. If you’re wondering if you should try coconut oil, consider the following seven perks.

1. Moisturizes Skin

Applying a few drops of coconut oil before bed can keep your skin soft. It can be used anywhere on your body, even to repair cracks on the feet or remedy dry skin on the face.

One popular application for the face is to rub the product into the skin using circular motions, and then you should rinse the area with clean water. Some people will simply leave the oil on all night, which is fine if you have a regular or dry skin type. Those with oily skin shouldn’t leave the grease on for an extended period, as it can exacerbate the issue.

Because of its moisturizing property, coconut oil can help relieve specific ailments, including eczema and psoriasis. If used as a shampoo, this product can improve irritation and itching. While it isn’t a substitute for treatment, it can make dealing with scalp psoriasis easier.

2. Protects Skin From the Sun’s Rays

When you apply coconut oil to your skin, this product can help protect you from harmful ultraviolet sun rays. It isn’t as effective as sunscreen, so you shouldn’t use it as a replacement. However, having an added defense is not a bad thing.

3. Promotes Dental Health

Oddly enough, coconut oil can be used to improve your oral health. It attacks and kills the bacteria that cause tooth decay, plaque, and gingivitis. Additionally, its antimicrobial properties are known to eliminate bad breath by destroying odor-causing bacteria.

This process is called oil pulling and has been utilized for thousands of years in other countries, specifically India. If you want to try it, oil pulling is a pretty straightforward technique. All you have to do is swish a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes, spit it out, and brush. Don’t forget to dispose of the grease in the trash; otherwise, you may need to call the plumber, as oil can clog pipes.

4. Conditions Lips

After you brush, you may want to finish up by hydrating your lips. To make the perfect chapstick, you can find various recipes online that combine coconut oil and other ingredients, such as beeswax or shea butter. Some people have reported that coconut oil can also assist in healing cold sores faster.

5. Helps With Cholesterol

Some studies have shown that coconut oil may be better at lowering “bad” cholesterol levels and raising “good” levels compared to butter and safflower oil. However, there are healthier choices overall, including olive oil. Research differs, as scientists are performing new studies all of the time. The best thing you can do is stay up-to-date on the latest facts and figures to make an educated decision.

6. Encourages Weight Loss

Coconut oil contains a saturated fat called medium-chain triglycerides. Research shows that consuming MCTs may amplify how many calories your body can burn, thus leading to weight loss. MCTs may also cause you to be less hungry, meaning you’ll eat less overall.

However, it’s important to note that coconut oil is high in calories, so you should be careful about how much you consume, as it may actually cause you to gain weight. Moderation is the best policy.

7. Repels Insects

Many people don’t like using commercial bug repellents because of the various chemicals they contain, especially if children are involved. Fortunately, there are safer ways to ward off those pesky insects. By combining certain essential oils, such as lavender, cedarwood, and citronella, with coconut oil, you can create your own bug repellent.

While natural repellents are pretty effective, they don’t last as long as commercial products, so you need to reapply them frequently. The most significant benefit to using natural products is that you won’t be putting harsh chemicals on your skin or breathing them in. Plus, homemade repellents will keep you smelling fresh.

With so many ways to use coconut oil, it’s worth keeping a jar or two on a kitchen shelf. You never know when you’ll need a quick fix or want to try something new.