7 Important Things You Should Know Before Installing A New Boiler


If your boiler experiences frequent repairs or has lasted more than ten years, it is time to replace it. If you are looking for a perfect way to reduce your heating and hot water energy bills, a new boiler would be a perfect option.

But before you go ahead and install a new boiler, there are plenty of essential things you need to think about. Keep on reading this article to explore them.

  1. The type of boiler you need

One of the most important things you need to consider before you let https://mhheatingsolutions.co.uk/  install a new boiler for you is the type you need. There are basically three types of boilers- a combi, a conventional, and a system boiler. The type of boiler you need is dependent on your home’s needs.

Before installing a new boiler, you need to let a heating engineer come and thoroughly survey your property. The engineer will ask questions such as the size of your family, consumption needs, etc., just to ensure that the boiler you choose complements your family’s needs.

  1. The type of fuel the boiler use

Boilers typically use various fuel sources, the most common being natural gas and oil. But some boilers can also use wood, solar power, and coal as their energy source. Homeowners have varying preferences when it comes to these energy sources. For instance, some may prefer a more environmentally friendly fuel, while others may opt for a more cost-effective fuel.

  1. Size of boiler

Another thing you must consider before installing a new boiler is the size of the boiler you need. When it comes to choosing the right size of a boiler, you need to consider your family size and needs, the number of radiators, and the number of bathrooms in your home. Remember that if the Kw rating of your boiler cannot cater to your family’s needs, you may run out of hot water when in the bathroom. Of course, you wouldn’t want that.

  1. The amount of space you have

How much space do you have for the boiler? A combi boiler may be an ideal option if you don’t have enough space in the loft for a tank. They don’t require a storage tank or hot water cylinders.

  1. Where do you intend to install the new boiler?

You also need to decide where you want to install the new boiler. Is it in the utility room, kitchen, outside in the garage, or under your stairs? If your new boiler is being repositioned, you will require extra pipework, fittings, and much more. So you need to put all these into consideration.

  1. The cost of installing the new boiler

The cost of installing your new boiler is an important aspect that you must pay attention to. Several factors will have an impact on the total installation cost. These include the Kw boiler size, where it’s supposed to be installed, etc. You should be ready to spend more on installing the new boiler if it has a bigger Kw rating.

  1. Choose the correct service provider.

If you are looking forward to installing a new boiler, you must ensure that you work with an accredited and insured service provider. This way, you will be at peace knowing you are in the right hands. They will provide you with the best service possible.