Did you know that 53 percent of people that are browsing the web will leave a web page if it takes longer than three seconds to load? Using website performance metrics is the most effective way of figuring out what is wrong with your website design as well as the best things that you can do for website performance and design to improve it.
Little things like website performance monitoring and performance testing of a website will help you identify areas of weakness so that you’re prepared for a website redesign. The good news is that you’ve come to the perfect place to learn more about which website performance metrics are the most important ones to follow.
Keep reading this article to learn more about the top five things to monitor today!
1. Website Performance Monitoring
Your website’s search rankings are the peak of what you hope your marketing strategies will achieve for your e-commerce website design. Monitoring where your website ranks against other websites in your industry is a great way to measure the possibility of getting a website redesign.
The vast majority of people find what it is that they’re searching for on Google on the first page of the search results. If your website isn’t on the first page of Google or Bing results then you’re not going to get a ton of organic traffic to your website. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not on the first page of a web search for your website.
This is a great tool that you can use to evaluate what you’re doing wrong so that you can take steps to fix it. A great approach is to consider creating a blog segment on your website where you provide your customers and target audience with information about your industry that will make their lives easier.
You can fill these blog posts with keywords that will raise your search rankings and help you move up the first page. From there, you can make the most of search engine optimization to drive more and more people to your website. If you’re dropping further down the rankings then it is possible that you’re getting penalized for something.
2. Understand the Customer Journey
Understanding the customer journey is another great way to determine whether or not you need to redesign your website. You need to learn about ways to make the customer aware of your company and then convert them from a member of your target audience into loyal customers.
You can use your leads to track your website performance metrics and get a better handle on the success of your website. The first type of lead to follow is a marketing qualified lead. These leads are people that are aware of your brand but aren’t at a point where they’re ready to make a purchase.
The other type of lead is a sales-qualified lead. Sales qualified leads are people that have expressed a known interest in purchasing the products that your e-commerce website design advertises. These leads should be much easier to close if you’re selling goods or services.
If you’re not getting a ton of either of these types of leads then something is wrong with your website design. Get a website redesign and then monitor each type of lead to see if there is an increase in leads that are coming to your website. You should consider working with a digital agency for help with this task.
3. Look at Quality of Website Visits
Another key thing to look at when it comes to members of your target audience visiting your website is how much time they spend there. You don’t want to get visitors that will never have an interest in your company or the goods or services that you provide. You want qualified leads that are motivated to purchase something to come visit.
Bounce rates are a great way to determine the quality of a visit from a target audience member. The longer that a visitor stays, the more likely they are to purchase something from you. A good bounce rate will push your website up the rankings so that it is easier to find.
Conversely, a bad bounce rate will push you down the rankings because of the belief that your website isn’t engaging or compelling.
4. Conversion Rates
Conversion rates are huge when you’re running an e-commerce business and you’re worried about your website design and development. It is important that your website is high quality and easy to navigate for any and all visitors. You’ll get your conversion rates by taking the total number of visitors to your site and dividing that by the number of visitors that completed an action.
You’ll have a hard time finding a better website performance metric than conversion rates if you’re worried about your website’s performance and design. Performance testing of a website is also helpful, but conversion rates tell you that your website and your products are valuable to consumers.
5. Look at Benchmarks
It is also smart to set some baseline numbers for your previous website design prior to making the decision to redesign your website. You won’t have a firm grasp on how much the redesign helps if you’re not sure where your website performance metrics were prior to that. You need a benchmark to compare to in order to determine your performance and your progress.
You should look at key metrics like the number of sessions per user, the number of new visitors you get versus previous visitors, average page time, and organic traffic. These metrics will tell you everything that you need to know when it comes to a website performance test.
Start Using These Website Performance Metrics Today
Using website performance metrics is vital if you want your company’s website to move up the search engine rankings. The more you move up these rankings, the easier it is to get organic traffic and improve your conversion rate. You should also set benchmarks that you can measure against to see if your website design and development made a difference compared to the old website.
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