5 Reasons to Love the Tie Dye Maxi Dress


Are you looking for something casual to wear that is the perfect combination of sustainable, comfortable, AND attractive? Look no further because you have finally found your saving grace: the tie dye maxi dress. All of our clothing items here at Advance Apparels are created with the utmost care and meticulousness, but these dresses deserve to shine in their own spotlight.

We are only given one Earth, which means that we need to take care of it in every way we can, including our tailoring processes. These dresses are all made with sustainable fabrics along with organic vegetable dyes. They are made with 100% Tencel fabric, which is made from recycled plant materials, making them eco-friendly and low-impacting on the environment from start to finish.

2.Handmade by Artisans
Our tie dye maxi dresses are each crafted in-house by our artisans in India, who passionately and closely adhere to our tailoring process. They are all individually cut, stitched, and dyed by the hands of our expert tailors. No dress is the same and every single one passes a strict quality check before it lands in stores.

3.Comfortable and Cool
Shopping for something comfortable and breathable enough to wear can be difficult in warmer climates. Form-fitting clothes have become increasingly more popular, but these styles don’t offer much in terms of comfort, breathability, or sometimes even mobility. However, the tie dye maxi dress offers these and more. It is “one size fits all,” making any person – no matter their shape or size – feel like themselves. It also features flowy silhouettes, which means they can be worn comfortably in various scenarios, from lounging around the house to running errands and even relaxing on the beach.

4.Versatile in Style
The tie dye maxi dress offers its wearer comfort and breathability, especially during the hotter seasons, but it can also be worn in a variety of other ways. They can be complemented with nearly any shoe type, whether it be sandals, flats, or sneakers. You can accessorize your dress by adding jewelry, especially statement pieces that match the color and pattern of your dress.

When going to the beach in your tie dye maxi dress, you may not want to risk losing or damaging your jewelry, but you could still accessorize it with other items. A cross-body bag or a fun beach tote would pair well with your dress along with some strappy sandals. Comfort and style never looked or felt so good.

Going out for the evening? Yes, you can almost definitely wear your tie dye maxi dress, too. Paired with fancier shoes or sandals, a matching bag, and even a short shawl, your dress could be the ultimate combination of coziness and fashion.

On top of all these already enticing reasons to love tie dye maxi dresses, the cost is low and affordable. These versatile dresses range from $19.20 to $40, depending on their style. And don’t forget about our frequent sales, which drop these inviting prices even lower.

There are many reasons to love a tie dye maxi dress, but these are just five of the best ones. This lightweight dress is guaranteed to put a smile on your face while keeping you cool, comfortable, and fashionable. Love yourself and your body by wearing this unique style in any way you like to almost any occasion. You wear your clothes. It’s time to stop letting them wear you!

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