5 Questions to Ask a Commercial Cleaning Company Before Hiring Them

5 Questions to Ask a Commercial Cleaning Company Before Hiring Them

Did you know that by 2025, the household cleaning market should be valued at $40.38 billion?

A good cleaning company can solve many of their client’s problems, such as a dull lobby, out-of-date signage, or sticky buttons on the soda machine.

Because of their experience, how do you find that hidden gem with the expertise to solve the problems you’ve struggled with? Finding the right cleaning company means asking the right questions for many clients.

What do great commercial cleaning clients look for? Here are five of the most common questions to ask a commercial cleaning company.

1. What Services Does the Company Offer?

Be sure to ask about the services they offer. Some companies specialize in certain types of cleaning, such as carpet or window cleaning. Others may offer a more general cleaning service. Make sure that the company can provide the services you need.

Be sure to ask about the company’s experience and what training their employees have. It would help if you also asked for references from past clients.

2. What Is the Company’s Pricing Structure?

Before hiring a commercial cleaning company, the company’s pricing structure is essential. You will want to know how much the company charges per square foot, hour, or month.

You will also want to know if the company has a minimum number of hours or square footage required for a project. Additionally, it is essential to ask if the company offers discounts for longer-term projects.

3. What Is the Company’s Cleaning Process?

Be sure to ask about their cleaning process. Find out what type of products and equipment they use, how often they clean, and what kind of training their employees receive. Also, ask for references from previous clients and check out online reviews.

With this information, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to hire the company.

4. What Are the Company’s Cleaning Products?

One crucial question is what kind of cleaning products the company uses. You want to make sure that the products are safe and effective. You also want to make sure that the company uses environmentally friendly products.

Be sure to ask about any allergies you may have to clean products. Also, ask about how the company stores its cleaning products. If you are a small business owner that looks for commercial services, you may take a look at BearCom building cleaners.

5. What Are the Company’s Policies?

Most companies will have some policies in place regarding their cleaning services. It is essential to ask about these policies before hiring a commercial cleaning industry.

Asking about these policies ahead of time will help ensure that you are comfortable with the company you are hiring. It will also help avoid any misunderstandings or disagreements down the road.

Choose the Right Commercial Cleaning Company

If you’re looking for a commercial cleaning company to hire, be sure to ask them these important questions first. Doing your research ahead of time will help you end up with a company that best suits your needs and budget.

Check out our blog for more information.