5 Of The Best Healthy Road Trip Snacks


Summer is here and thanks to Covid related travel restrictions, many more people are choosing to holiday at home. With this comes lengthy travel times and long road trips. Some people hate the thought of long road trips or travel times with family members, but for the most part, they can be a fun start to the holiday. 

Instead of adding time to your travel plans, packing your own healthy snacks can save you both time and money, meaning that you get to avoid pricey service stations and station newsagents. With that in mind, here are 5 of the best healthy road trip snacks you can pack for your next adventure. 

Dried Fruit

Most fruits don’t travel well when prepared and if you’ve ever packed a banana into a bag and been greeted by a brown mushy mess, then you know what we mean. Dried fruit is a great travel snack as it is handy to store in a backpack and can be enjoyed on the go with ease. Not only is it easy to eat, but dried fruit is also packed with fibre and nutrients, so you’re getting a health boost, too!

BLT Sandwiches

Forget buying pricey and tasteless sandwiches from service stations. Making your own sandwiches takes no time at all and, depending on what fillings you choose, can last quite a while during your travels. One of the best sandwiches to make for on the go eating is a BLT – Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato. Served on a wholemeal roll or baguette, this sandwich contains everything you need to keep you satisfied until your next meal. Crispy bacon works best in this sandwich with the soft bread and crunchy salad, but feel free to swap and use veggie bacon alternatives instead!

Crunchy, Savoury Snacks

Sometimes, there’s nothing better than a crunchy and savoury snack when traveling. Rather than reaching for a bag of crisps, think of some healthier alternatives that you can snack on, no matter if you’re driving or are a passenger. Salted or plain cashews, pistachios and peanuts make for a good snack on the go and give you a good boost of fibre and healthy fats. You could create a savoury trail mix with things such as nuts, roasted chickpeas, pretzels and crackers to snack on as you drive. 

Sweet Treats

Sometimes, after you’ve been driving for hours, you need a sugar pick-me-up to keep your mind active and focused. Rather than snacking on handfuls of sweets or chocolate, think about some healthier sweet treats you can pack for your travels instead. If you can, pack a thermos flask with coffee or tea in and when you need a pick me up, enjoying a hot caffeinated drink can increase your energy levels. Pack a biscuit selection to enjoy, or some mini snack-sized bakery products, especially if you have children in the car.

Keep Hydrated

Whilst packing plenty of snacks is important, it’s also important to keep hydrated during your journey. Whilst you don’t want to drink too much that you’re always stopping, you don’t want to drink too little that your concentration is impacted or you get headaches. Try to avoid drinks with high sugar content, as these can just dehydrate you further and instead look at drinks that keep you hydrated, such as water or coconut water. If you’re travelling with children, pack individual juice boxes or bottled water so that they have their own drinks when they need.