5 High-tech Farmer Equipment Taking Over the Market

5 High-tech Farmer Equipment Taking Over the Market

Today’s farmer equipment will blow your mind. Remove the idea of the dusty old farmer with bibbled overalls. Instead, picture shiny machinery and plenty of data. 

Farmers today are producing food and crops using smart, sustainable methods. Keep reading to learn about some of the newest innovations in agricultural equipment today. 

1. Sustainable Mechanization

Farmers, more than anyone else, understand limited natural resources. Thus, they’re looking toward more advanced technologies that will help them sustain these resources. 

In particular, farmers are looking at more efficient farm equipment. Expect to farm equipment go over a small revolution. Tools like backpack sprayers, high tunnels for crop protection, aerated bin composting, and improving the soil with leaves may become the norm as farmers look to more sustainable methods of farming. 

2. Precision Farming

Precision farming allows farmers to pinpoint problem areas in their fields and then deal with them specifically. Thirty years ago, farmers would just blanket an entire field with fertilizer and necessary pesticides. Today, though, farmers can use GPS tools to know exactly where they need to address problems. 

In-field sensors and drones give farmers the data they need to take care of their crops more intelligently and purposefully. Major companies such as Agco Corporation and Monsanto have embraced precision farming and are now implementing data to help them create better GPS Grade control products.

3. More Robotics

Robotics are allowing fewer farmers to produce more crops and feed more people. Farming is shifting away from who has the biggest equipment to who has the devices that can work on their own in the most adverse conditions. Robotics allow farmers to farm more efficiently and have higher output. 

For example, humans have their limits. They need to shut down equipment when the sun goes down and get rest so they can do the same job in the morning. Robotic equipment, however, can go all night and finish the job before rain or other adverse weather comes. 

Ultimately, robotic equipment speeds up the process and saves on production costs.

4. Remote Solutions

The pandemic forced companies to work remotely. This bleeds over into the ag industry as well. The remote technologies that agricultural companies employed allowed farmers to learn new management principles on their own. 

For example, more farming operations are using autonomous workforces. Farm employees are performing more tasks as long as they have the necessary data that tech can supply them with. 

5. Robotic Milking

Milking cattle takes time and effort. The innovation of robotic milking has changed the way dairy farmers do business. Robotic milking stations require a single person to milk several cows at once. 

Robotic milkers allow cattle to line up on their own. Many cattle ultimately choose to be milked five to six times a day instead of the twice-a-day regimen that farmers used to use. Furthermore, robotic milkers can monitor milk output and even tell farmers when a cow is in heat. 

Today’s Advanced Farmer Equipment

The farmer equipment of today looks little like your grandfather’s equipment. Gone are the Allis Chalmer’s and the Farmall tractors of yesteryear. Instead, we have precise, automated machinery that produces data. 

Farmers will always need their strong blue-collar work ethic to make things work. They may just need a hard drive now too. 

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