10-km tailback at Daulatdia ferry ghat


A 10-kilometer tailback was created at the Daulatdia ferry ghat in Rajbari today as people from 21 districts of the south-west region started to return to Dhaka through this route after celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr with their loved ones.

Daulatdia ghat is witnessing the long queues of vehicles, mostly buses and private cars, due to a lack of adequate water vessels, reports our Faridpur correspondent.

Around 2pm today, a 10-kilometer-long line of vehicles was seen on the Dhaka-Khulna highway, beginning at Zero Point of Daulatdia Ghat and around 5,000 vehicles were waiting to cross the river.

According to Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) Daulatdia ghat, a total of 21 ferries are plying the Paturia-Daulatdia waterway.

The drivers claimed that they have to wait 8 to 10 hours to board the ferry.

At the launch dock, a similar crowd was seen. Passengers have been walking about 1.5 kilometers to get on the launches. Those with children are suffering the most.

“There are huge rush of passengers since this morning,” Shihab Uddin, assistant manager, BIWTC Daulatdia ghat, told The Daily Star. “We are trying our best to reduce the public suffering.”